TEXT 1. READING: Meet the couple who quit citylife for vanlife. 1. Do you prefer city life or country life? 2. What do you think of living on the road? Read the text and answer: VOCABULARY: Adapted text from: Meet the couple who quit Citylife for Vanlife. Could you swap your bed, job, privacy – and shower – to live on the road? Neelam Tailor HuffPost Becky Wixon, 25, and Simone Picknett, 27 laugh as they describe a #vanlife image on Instagram – a picture-perfect lifestyle far from reality. They make fun of the glamorous stereotype of the vanlife movement on social media. It’s a lifestyle that’s more attainable , they argue. “You can just buy a van and put a mattress in it and you can be doing your own van life. It doesn’t need to be this luxurious thing,” explains Wixon. “I think a lot of people do it because they want to get Instagram-famous. We di...