HAVE YOU EVER CHEATED IN EXAMS? A school has apologised after pictures emerged of pupils wearing cardboard boxes on their heads to prevent cheating in an exam. Photos showed them with boxes on their heads with square holes cut out to allow them to see their exam papers. The controversial photographs led to widespread criticism on social media. The state education minister, said the school’s practice was “ unacceptable ”. India has seen a string of cheating scandals across recent years. 1. Can you check whether the news is true? 2. Can you find a picture to illustrate it? 3. Where did it happen? This picture was taken in the same country. It was another scandal about the same issue. Have a look at it. What can you see? These pictures of people perched at various levels at a school, in Mahnar, have gone viral and caused serious embarrassment to the local government. What are these people doing at the risk of their lives?...