The lady of the pigeons. On the lookout for an image of a global crisis.

READING COMPREHENSION. Pre-reading. 1.What can you see in the picture? 2. This picture was taken from a video that got viral and circulated in watspat recently? Have you seen it? Do you know the story? 3. What other videos or pictures did you get? Choose just three or four, those you consider more interesting? 4. How did you feel the first week of lock down? Did you feel different the second week? The third? Have your feelings, attitudes, routines changed from the beginning till present day? How? 5. I am sure your parents, grandparents or great grandparents have told you about the Spanish Civil War? Can you find an image that represents that War? Look on the internet , copy and paste on your task document. 6- Do you know, remember, any important historical events? Do you link them to a particular image? 7- What is the Cold War? 7- Vocabulary. Find the meaning of the words in bold before reading the text. Make a list. Read the test. Dr...