DIFFERENT POETIC IDENTITIES. BODIES AS BORDERS. MY BODY IS MY LIMIT. BUT IN FACT IT IS MY MIND THAT KEEPS ME SMALL OR BIG, THAT CAN MAKE MY LEGS RUN OR BE A BURDEN. VICENT ANDRÉS ESTELLÉS. Poets are voices that us aware of our limits and free ourselves from them. Europe's audible and inaudible cultures. If one language is not audible in Europe then this lingüistic identity connected to this language is nivisible, it does not exist. Vicent Andrés Estellés made our language audible and by doing so he made our identity visible. He was a voice from the edge so he made it possible for the voices from the edge to be heard. "with my will to sing for those who cannot sing; with my will to speak for those who cannot speak." Estellés was the voice of a people, the Valencian people that has been silenced for centuries. After Ausiàs March in the XV century, he is our great national poet. Pain can be a limit, a border man...