Palestina and Israel.

Watch the video and answer True or False.

1- The land was divided after the II World War by Western countries.

2- Both communities fought to take control and the Palestinians won.

3- Settlements were built by the Israelis near the Palestinian border.

4- The Palestinian territory is a compact land.

5- Gaza is a strip of land populated by over half a million people.

6- Settlements are overprotected   and control water supplies.

7- The Israelis have better roads than Palestinians.

8- Walls were built by Israelis to take more control over the Palestinians.

9- Most people in Israel would like to see two separate states.

10- Some important people both in the East and the West don't want to  see a solution.

2. Now listen again and fill in the blanks with the correct information.

a. Settlers are just...................... of the population but they've taken over most of the land.
b. Settlers have ...................... more water than the Palestinians.
c. Palestinians can spend........................  everyday at checpoints to get to school, work or to hospitals.
d. A security wall has divided some .................. in the middle and has separated..................... from their land.
e. Attacks in recent years have killed........................ Israelis and over ...................... Palestinians.


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