SEXISM in everyday life.

Read the following story.

«A personal incident that I remember vividly, took place in the summer of 2012. It was a breezy Bangalore evening, so I decided to walk home after I was done with my internship. It was around 6 o’clock. There happened to be a deserted stretch on the way. I had my earphones on with a ‘Guns N’ Roses’ track playing on full volume.
I was minding my own business when a man on a fancy bike stops next to me and says something to me. I thought he was asking for directions like everyone in the city is always doing. But here is what he asked me: “How much for one night?”
What do you say to that? I ignored and walked faster till I reached the next bus stop. That man followed me till I got into the car with a male friend who was picking me up. More than anything else, I remember how shaken I was after the incident. Just because I decided to walk down a deserted road, alone in the evening, you assumed that I wanted to have sex with you? «

Does this example have to do with sexism? Why? Do you have similar examples?

Write a list of things you have been told that can be associated with sexism.

Is sexism something that only affects women?


Lady:I met your daughter today.”
Mom:Oh, nice. You must have met her while she was heading out.”
Lady:Yes. But how can you let her wear such clothes? I didn’t like it. Plus she was going out so late in the evening. Why don’t you stop her?”
Mom: Deadly stare
Lady: Silent
This very brief but entertaining exchange took place in my apartment just a few weeks ago. I came back home to my mother fuming over this ‘aunty’s’ views about my clothes and my lifestyle. She later gave her a earful about 

Does that woman know me? NO. Is she close to the family, at least? NO. She just happens to form a miniscule part of the ‘Log kya kahenge?’ gang. Yes everyone, meet the so-called log in my life.

No one is spared

I’m sure I’m not alone when it comes to this blatant sexism. This is the kind of bullshit that women go through every other day. Though we mostly hear about women facing sexism, let’s not forget that men are targeted too. Of course, there’s always the choice to ignore it. But how do you let it go when someone who is close to you or a loved one is being sexist?
You swear too much for a girl.”
Bro, stop acting like a chick. There is no need to cry about this.”
Men have their brains between their legs.”
You actually drive quite well for a woman.”
These are just a few examples of remarks that casually slip in during a conversation. You might cringe and let it go then, but the ideas just get further ingrained in our thoughts, no? Why else do you think sexism exists in the first place?
My boss told me that I needed to wear makeup and heels to a meeting to make a good impression. So, my work doesn’t count for anything?asks a Bengaluru-based writer.
A male friend, Gautam Krishnan, who works at a top E-commerce firm, says, “The worst thing that I keep hearing is – ‘You’re a man. Suck it up and move on.’ This is the support I get when I’m at my most vulnerable.”

Patriarchy is the culprit

Both these examples reflect how patriarchy has conditioned the society. A woman needs to look ‘nice’ if she wants people to listen to hear. And, a man needs to be an unemotional creature because ‘men don’t cry’.


Here is the deal – I don’t want to be told I’m a ‘boy’ because I like football and I hate shopping. I’m not a tomboy. I’m just a girl who likes football and hates shopping. .I don’t want someone telling my boyfriend that he’s a ‘girl’ because he is expressive. And I definitely don’t want to listen to ‘make me a sandwich’ for the enth time. It stopped being funny a long time ago.
It’s high time we make the conscious effort to stay away from any form of sexism. If you don’t, remember that karma is a bitch. That sexism is going to come around and affect you in some way or other.


a. How can you translate «No one is spared»?

b. Can you give a definition of «untrend sexism»?



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