Sunday, December 15, 2019

Agost . A pottery village.


 How far is Agost? How can you go?

What can you see in Agost?

When is the street market hold?

 If you like trekking ,  is Agost a good place to go? Why?

A dinosaur in Agost? Why? Where?

Who is Emili Boix?

What is the main characteristic of the pottery made in Agost?

 About the museum

What is the Museum about?

Why is the building important?

Who founded the museum? Can you find a picture of the founder?

Who is the director of the Museum now?

How many pottery workshops are there in Agost now?

How many workshops where there in the past? About 50 years ago?

About Fangart. 

What is Fangart?

In how many workshops can you participate? Are they free?

What can you learn by participating in the workshops?

Web pages

VOCABULARY. Make meaning groups with the following words and find out their meanings.

pottery    chapel    pitcher       drinking jugs        clay        pot           potter

bell tower       dome                chapel      wheel throwing        kiln   


                                        DO WE NEED MUSEUMS?  


                        WHAT DO OBJECTS TELL US? 

   Surrounded by thousands of objects, we tend to forget they tell stories of change. This is mirrored at museums, where the drama in the quotidian is often overlooked. In the session we explore and discuss changes in the materialities of everyday life - and its musealization.

Long abstract:

    Objects play a central part in our daily lives. But many of them are hardly ever noticed. Even though we often use them on a daily basis, we might not think of these thousands of everyday objects as parts of cultural practices. As something informing about the multitude of relations between individuals and materiality and into the change of the everyday. 

   Museums and other institutions with collections have been working with everyday life for decades. But the challenge remain; how do we handle the changes and materiality of the quotidian in the context of collections? How do we track the often unnoticed changes in the seemingly stable objects around us? And in our relations with them? With an outset in papers that focus on everyday life, changes and materiality we will discuss questions like: How do cultural institutions with collections represent, track and reflect often unnoticed transformations? How do we track relations between individuals and materiality? How can we make collection and dissemination strategies that don't favour symbolic and canonized objects over the quotidian and mass produced, the cheap and the short lived like toothbrushes, power outlets, and kitchen rolls? Or over the more long lived but still overlooked like parking spaces, the local DIY centre, and the bus stop?


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