Spring Equinox.

   This year is different. Spring has come and despite the good weather we have to be at home.  But Spring is always a time of celebration and metaphors. Our ancestors believed that life responded to the cycles of the sun and so after the darkness of winter here came again the birth in Spring. Life then was cyclic and had a rythmic repetion.

   Spring is  represented in northern hemisphere cultures by metaphors that represent light and life. Officially Spring starts on  21st of March but festivities that celebrate the birth of the Sun do not take that date into consideration and we can consider Sant Valentine's day on the 14th of February celebrating love a Spring festivity, or the Carnival . But the Christian calendar has  Easter, which commemorates  the death and resurrection of Jesuschrist as the most important celebration. 

Now, read the following text and answer the questions;

Spring Equinox.

1. Why does it refer only to the Northern hemisphere? What happens in Chile, for exemple?

2. Where does the word Equinox come from?

3. What is a leap year? How do you translate it ?

4. What is the difference between Equinox and Solstice?

5.  Why do people gather at Chichen Itza?

6. Now do some research and explain what is the Nowruz in Iran and Shunbun no Hi in Japan. Write two different files explaining:

- The origins, the history, the meaning. 
- How do they celebrate it now?
- Choose some pictures that illustrate the festivities.

7. PROJECT: Click on the  link below about Easter celebrations in the Comunitat Valenciana. Use the text to write to get the basic information. Then, write an email to a friend in Australia who is asking for information about Spring festivities here. You can use information you have about celebrations in different towns or villages in the area. The e-mail should have a minimum of 400 words. You can include pictures.

Festes de primavera.


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