TASOCT 1. Units 4 and 5.



GHANA. An English speaking country. 

1. Before reading. 


2. While reading. Read the following information about Ghana and answer. 

a. Why was it named "The Gold Coast"? 

b. How big is it? Do some research and compare it with a European country. What about Spain, or Portugal, or France....? Does it double the size of any of them ? is it half the size? 

c. What countries have borders with Ghana? 

d. What is the most important ethnic group in the country? What other ethnic groups are there? 

e. What's the country's official language? How many other languages are there? 

f. What's the predominant religion? Is it the only one? 

g. What is the economy largely based on? 





The adjective

     the -est                                                            the most ........


            TOO                          SOFT                    INTERESTING    ENOUGH

                               less                                  the least


                                                SUCH A 

Exercise 1. Comparatives, superlatives. Too and enough. 

Exercise 2.  So, Such, too and comparatives. 



MUSIC : The Logical Song, by Supertramp. 








1- Kurt Cobain  was born in ____________ and he showed interest in music since a very early age. After his parents got divorced when he was ______, he became rebelious and unruly.

2- He was finally kicked out of both his parents' homes after they remade their lives.  He became a ___________. He started smoking marihuana when he was _____.


3- Nirvana was formed in _______ in Seattle, Washington. After their second album "Never Mind" came out, Nirvana was the biggest band in the world. 

4. Soon, success bacame overwhelming and his mental health and addictions deteriorated. He started with LSD and other drugs. He was also addicted to alcohol but ________ was going to be his drug of choice and defining addiction. 

5. Mental health issues and _________ problems added to his drug addiction. 

6. In 1991 he met Courtney Love. They started a an intense and volatile relation. They married and had a baby. They never stopped their addictions and their lives and relation got worse. They became a __________ for the press. 


7. Corbain's life was threatened by ______________ and he also tried to take his own life. He was once hospitalized in Rome in a coma after having pills washed down with alcohol. 

8. In 1994 he agreed to seek professional help and was admitted to rehab. But a few days later he _________ the facility. 

9 On ___________ 1994 his body was found by an electrician coming to do work on his home. Aparently, he shot himself. He was _________.

10. His _________ still gather at Faretta Park to commemorate the anniversay of his death.

The man who sold the world. 

with lyrics

The man who sold the world. Karaoke. 


What are your thoughts now?  Are they positive? Negative? Are they getting you stressed, anxious? 


Everyday, we learn that sombody suffers from anxiety or have any other mental health problem. 

Do you identify with any of the thoughts in the video? 


What is the statement in the second video ? What is it about? 



Is buying local food always better? 

Active villagers. 

Child marriage in Nepal  

2nd part

4- Nobel prizes.  

5- World Walker. 

 6- A strange burial.


1. Test. 

2. Test 2. 

3. Test 3. 

4. Test 4. 


1. Questions 

2. Subject questions. Questions with prepositions. 

3. Present Simple versus present continuous.  

4. Past Simple.  

5. Past continuous versus past simple.  

6. Connectors.  

7. And other..... 

2nd part

8- Questions of different types. 

9-  Question tags. 

10- So, neither...

11- Past simple, present perfect.  

12- First and second conditionals.  




1. Halloween. Stonehege. 

2. The woman behind the voice of Siri. 

3.  500 year old paintings. 

4. Albert Einstein. 



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