A MATERIAL WORLD. What are the stories behind objects?






Bring objects to class and tell the story behind them. 

As families of all ages gather around the dining room table and at holiday family events, this time of year is the perfect opportunity for grandchildren to learn more about their grandparents. During the holidays, encourage your children to talk to their grandparents, ask questions, and find out more about their lives.  It is an important way to pass along family history and holiday traditions to the next generation.

In a large group, some seniors may find it difficult to hear or follow conversations.  Others might feel left out, or their soft voice may go unheard.  Having grandchildren engage in a conversation with their grandparent is a great way for seniors to feel included and a part of the activities.   An added benefit for the child is to learn the important skills of conversing, active listening, and manners when speaking with their grandparent. Grandparents have priceless wisdom and life experiences to share, encourage multi-generationalconversations at your next family gathering.

Children may feel shy about initiating conversation or knowing what questions to ask their grandparents.  Remember that it’s best to ask open-ended questions to encourage a dialogue.  We have 30 questions to ask your grandparents.

  1. Do you have a holiday tradition? What is your favorite thing about the holidays?

  2. Were you named after a family member or does your name have a special meaning?

  3. Do you have a nickname that your siblings or friends call you? How did you get the nickname?

  4. Where were you born? What was your house like as a child?

  5. How did your family spend time together when you were young?

  6. What was your favorite subject or teacher in school?

  7. What is the most important lesson that your parents taught you?

  8. What did your friends do for fun when you were young? Did you have a best friend?

  9. Did you have a favorite toy as a child?

  10. Did you get an allowance? How much was it and what did you spend your money on?

  11. Did you ever get in trouble as a child or teenager? Did you have a curfew and what time was it? Did you ever miss curfew?

  12. How did you meet grandma/grandpa? What was your marriage proposal like?

  13. Where was your wedding? Who was your matron of honor/best man?

  14. Have you had a job? What was your first job?

  15. What did you want to be when you grew up?

  16. What was your first car?

  17. Where have you lived? Tell me about your first house.

  18. Where have you traveled? What is your favorite city to visit? Do you have a favorite family vacation memory?

  19. Do you practice a religion? What impact has religion had on your life?

  20. Who are your children? What is your favorite memory with your children?

  21. How do you handle stress?

  22. What could you tell me that I would be surprised to learn about you?

  23. What is your dream for your children and grandchildren?

  24. What were your grandparents like?

  25. What is the earliest memory that you have?

  26. Tell me about the day when my mom/dad was born?

  27. What makes you happy?

  28. Have you owned any pets? What was your first pet?

  29. What is different about growing up today than when you were a child?

  30. What is your favorite thing about being a grandparent?

" When I was a little girl, we hardly went shopping. We used to have a vegetable garden and we exchanged vegetables and fruit with our neighbours, relatives and friends." Sonjia Linares. 73


"Unlike children now, we didn't have so many toys. We didn't buy them. We made them. We used to make toy cars with empty sardine tins. We din't have any money to buy toys." Pepe. 82


"When I was a little boy I used to help my grandmother to grind the almonds to make almond flour. Then, she would make almond cakes. They were delicious!!" Julián. 47


"We used to eat better food, not supermarket ultraprocessed food like now.  We used to grow our food and we preserved it for the winter." Jose. 78



How have things changed in the last century? 


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